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About Us

Our services

For the users

With Ticket Italia you can book and buy tickets for the event you’ve been waiting for! You can choose your purchase mode between:

1.  Internet

2.  Stores

3.  Telephone

Whatever the sales channel, all operations take place in real time; the online connection with the organizers allows buyers to immediately check the availability of places and the conditions of purchase.

For business

Ticket Italia is the ideal partner of sports clubs, museums, theatres, parks, organizers of concerts/ events to which it provides advanced computerized systems for ticket management.

The simple graphic screens allow you to carry out all the necessary operations for the management of entrance tickets in real time, with maximum speed and security, and the printer instantly issues high-quality graphics tickets, customizable for each event, with a space dedicated to sponsors or communications for the public.

The Ticket Italia system can be used in all structures or events that require the issuance of entrance tickets: theaters, cinemas, sports halls, stadiums, museums, fairs, parks, etc.

Ticket Italia uses a private network for the transmission of data, therefore without the risk of interference by unauthorized persons.

The service offered by Ticket Italia is developed and produced in compliance with the new Ministerial Regulations, which govern the methods of issuing access tickets for entertainment activities.