Delivery Information
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Delivery Information

Terms and conditions

The online purchase system offers the user a pre-sale service of tickets for events available in the catalogue of TICKETITALIA.COM.

The service TICKETITALIA.COM is managed by the company Due Mondi Ticket sas, based in Piazza della Vittoria, 25, 06049 Spoleto (PG). We invite any user who uses the service to read carefully all the points related to the General Conditions and to strictly respect them. The user is invited to follow the online purchase procedure in all its stages.

How to book your tickets

Online purchases can be made only by the automated web-based procedure of TICKETITALIA.COM. Reservations made by e-mail, fax or other means are not accepted.

The number of tickets that can be purchased for each transaction or person is subject to change for each different event, in accordance with the provisions of the organizers of the event itself.

The assistance service is available by e-mail for any communication, clarification or need; there are no other communication methods.

Events are normally on sale online until the day before the date of their execution, except for several special rules that can also be applied without prior notice.

How to pay your tickets

The payment of online purchases is made through credit card or debit card (ATM) if authorized to operate with Bankpass.

Due to the particular characteristics of the sector and the rules in force in the field of ticket sales and events in general, any transaction completed is considered implicitly and definitively accepted by the costumer.

According to the European legislation on electronic and distance commerce (standard 97/7 transposed in Italy by the Legislative Decree of 14/5/99) for this type of purchase the right to recess isn't foreseen.

Ticket price

Unless otherwise provided for particular events, for each online purchase the cost of the entrance ticket is charged, plus pre-sale fees and a commission that includes our service and management costs.


For events where it is available, home delivery is made with an additional charge for each shipment, the amount of which is indicated on the order form.

How to collect your tickets

The method of collecting online tickets  may vary from event to event. Each event on sale has indications about it. There are two types of withdrawal:

1.                 Pick up at the Box Office - allows you to pick up tickets purchased online directly at a cash desk set up at the event venue on the day of the event, generally from a few hours before the doors open and at least 15 minutes before the official opening time. In this case, the online purchases can be made up to the day before the event, subject to availability. Pick-up at the Box Office takes place by displaying the print of the confirmation e-mail accompanied by an identity document. The above order confirmation cannot in any case constitute a title for access to the show and must be converted before entering the venue, with a regular Access Title (ticket).

2.                 Home Delivery - is usually made with Express Mail or other Couriers. It is selectable up to about 10 days before the chosen event, to allow the time for delivery.The methods of Pick up at the Box Office or Home Delivery are mandatory, therefore not modifiable after the purchase. For Home Delivery, TICKETITALIA.COM is responsible for the tickets until they are delivered to the Courier or Post Office, after which TICKETITALIA.COM declines any kind of responsibility in the event of failure to deliver the tickets ordered.

Re-scheduled or canceled event

TICKETITALIA.COM pre-sales tickets in name and on behalf of the Organizer, therefore we cannot assume responsibility for the possible failure to perform a show or assume any obligation to refund tickets, unless requested by the Organiser himself, who is solely responsible for the performance and the relevant collection.

TICKETITALIA.COM reserves the right to refund any sums recovered by the organisers in respect of the face price of the tickets, excluding the commission relating to the online purchase service. Any waivers do not entitle you to any refund, as well as tickets not collected or used. limits of liability and rights

TICKETITALIA.COM carries out the online sales service and is not responsible for the organization of individual events.

TICKETITALIA.COM operates in the interest of its clients to obtain the maximum satisfaction of each purchase, but is not responsible for any inconvenience created to the user due to the organization of the show.

TICKETITALIA.COM reserves the right to withdraw, modify, suspend or interrupt any function or service, if it deems it appropriate for technical and organizational reasons that may in any way compromise the success of its service.