Terms & Conditions
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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Data processing (Privacy Policy)

Pursuant to art. 10 of Law n. 675 of 31/12/1996 we inform you that the data provided to us will be processed by Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s., in accordance with current legislation, in compliance with the above mentioned legislation and confidentiality obligations.

Information on the processing of personal data:

The data provided by the user are recorded on electronic databases owned by Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s, which is located in Piazza della Vittoria, 25 Spoleto (Pg) which is also responsible for processing.

Data provided are those provided during registration for the service and subsequent changes and/or additions by the user who requests it.

The processing of data takes place for the purposes of: - providing the services provided and/or requested by the user; - providing the services that the Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s. may consider to be of interest to the user; - verifying the quality of the services offered; - tracing the authors of any wrongdoing, only in the case of specific requests and on behalf of the competent authorities.

Processing of personal data means:

The collection, registration, organization, preservation, processing, modification, extraction, selection, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of the data and their communication with tools, authomated or manual, suitable for ensuring their safety. risp

Personal data may be transferred to third parties with your informed consent. Their use will be limited to Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s for communications related to this act and for sending information, promotions and offers.

General terms

Object of the service

The online purchase system offers a pre-sale service of tickets for events available on www.ticketitalia.com and related sites.

The service is managed by the company Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s, based in Piazza della Vittoria, 25 06049 Spoleto Pg, which invites any user to carefully read all the points related to the General Conditions and to respect them scrupulously. The user is invited to follow the completion of the online purchase procedure at every stage.

How to book your tickets

The number of tickets available for each transaction or person is subject to change according to the provisions of the organizers of the event.

Events are normally on sale online until the day before the date of their execution, except for several special reguliations that can also be applied without notice.

Access tickets with reduction cannot be purchased online, as it is not possible to verify the right to the reduction.

How to pay your tickets

Payment for online purchases is made through major credit card circuits (Visa Mastercard, Amex etc ).

Due to the particular characteristics of the business and the rules in force in the field of ticket sales, any transaction completed by the user is considered implicitly and definitively accepted.

Pursuant to the European legislation on electronic commerce and distance (standard 97/7 transposed in Italy by the Legislative Decree of 14/5/99) for this type of purchase is not provided for the exercise of the right of withdrawal.

Payment is made through the Virtual Pos service provided by the bank Banco Desio.

The connection to the virtual payment counter is in secure mode with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. By means of this method the transfer of payment data takes place exclusively in banking and Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s DOES NOT have access to customer credit card numbers. He is therefore not responsible for the credit card numbers provided to the bank.

Ticket price

Unless otherwise specified, for each online purchase the cost of the entrance ticket is charged including the pre-sale fee, plus a commission that includes our service.

For events where home delivery is available, the same is made with an additional charge for each shipment, as indicated in the order compilation.

How to pick up tickets

The method of collecting tickets purchased online may vary from event to event. Each event on sale has indications about the withdrawal methods, which are of two types:

1. Box Office pick-up - allows you to pick up tickets purchased online directly at a cash desk set up at the venue on the day of the event, generally from a few hours before the doors open and at least 15 minutes before the official opening time.

Collection at the Box Office takes place by displaying the print of the order confirmation email accompanied by an identity document. The above order confirmation cannot in any case constitute a title for access to the show and must NECESSARILY be converted before entering the venue, with a regular Access Title (ticket).

2. Home Delivery - is usually carried out by Postacelere or other couriers. It’s selectable up to about 7/10 days before the chosen event, to allow for delivery times.

The Collection or Delivery procedures cannot be changed after the purchase has been made.

Method of refund

For this type of purchase there is no possibility of withdrawal pursuant to the European legislation on electronic commerce and distance (standard 97/7 transposed by the Legislative Decree of 14/5/99)

Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s pre-sales tickets in the name and on behalf of the Organiser, who is solely responsible for the show and the relevant collection.

Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s carries out the online sales service and is not responsible for the organization of individual events. It operates in the interest of its Customers to provide maximum satisfaction of each purchase, but is not responsible for any inconvenience or inconvenience created to the user due to the event due to the organization of the show.

In case of cancelled or postponed event, only the price of the ticket is refunded, net of the commission related to the online purchase service, these amounts being linked to services provided by Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s in an absolutely independent manner from the subsequent and eventual supply of the product by the Organizer. In the particular case of a postponed event, it will be possible to proceed with the refund request within and no later than 4 days following the date of the event.

Any waivers do not entitle you to any refund, as well as tickets not collected or used.

Limits of liability and rights of Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s

Due Mondi Ticket s.a.s reserves the right to withdraw, modify, suspend or interrupt any function or service, if it deems appropriate, for technical and organizational reasons that may in some way compromise the success of its service.