Abbazia di Sant'Emiliano e San Bartolomeo in Congiuntoli - Scheggia
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Abbazia di Sant'Emiliano e San Bartolomeo in Congiuntoli - Scheggia

Abbazia di Sant'Emiliano e San Bartolomeo in Congiuntoli - Scheggia

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Abbazia di Sant'Emiliano e San Bartolomeo in Congiuntoli - Scheggia

The Abbey of Sant'Emiliano in Congiuntoli is a Benedictine monastery founded in the 10th century on the borders of the Duchy of Spoleto, in the municipality of Scheggia and Pascelupo

The ancient abbey can be reached from the road that runs along the slopes of Monte Catria, starting from Scheggia and moving towards Sassoferrato; it stands on the confluence between the Sentino river and the Freddo river, from which it takes its name Congiuntoli (conjunction).

The Apennine scenery accompanies the route along which you encounter the equally interesting Abbey of Sitria and that of Fonte Avellana.

The complex, in white stone, presents itself as an elegant building consisting of the church and the monastery.