Castello dei Figli di Cambio - Assisi - Fraz. Palazzo (PG)
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Castello dei Figli di Cambio - Assisi - Fraz. Palazzo (PG)

Castello dei Figli di Cambio - Assisi - Fraz. Palazzo (PG)

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Castello dei Figli di Cambio - Assisi - Fraz. Palazzo (PG)

Its exact name is "Castle of the sons of Cambio" and was built starting in 1385 and tradition has it that it was a feudal lord of Lombard origin, a certain Cambio or Cagno, who wanted to build a fortified village with perimeter walls and enriched by towers at its four corners. The sons then reinforced the structure, which was equipped with a moat complete with a drawbridge.