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Complesso Monumentale di San Nicolò - Spoleto PG

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Complesso Monumentale di San Nicolò - Spoleto PG

The monumental complex dedicated to San Nicolò, composed of the church and the adjoining convent, is located in the historic city center of Spoleto, near Via Elladio. The structure was built starting in 1304 by the Augustinian friars on an area previously occupied by some private homes and two other religious buildings: the primitive 4th century church, dedicated to San Nicolò di Bari and the church of San Massimo. The new complex was built in monumental forms with the Church with a single nave, with a strong vertical development, and the Convent which housed the rich library which became a very important humanistic club frequented by the greatest scholars of the time, among whom the name of Martin stands out Luther who lived there in 1512.