Oratorio di S. Francesco dei Nobili - Perugia
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Oratorio di S. Francesco dei Nobili - Perugia

Oratorio di S. Francesco dei Nobili - Perugia

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Oratorio di S. Francesco dei Nobili - Perugia

Protected by the double walls that characterize the elegant Umbrian city, the Oratory of the Disciplinati of San Francesco (which changed into Pio Sodalizio Braccio Fortebracci in the 19th century) stands out among the historical and artistic testimonies that adorn this ancient site. In the shadow of the monumental Torre degli Sciri, through a very refined marble portal, crossing the elegant vestibule decorated with the baroque stuccos of Jean Regnaud, you enter the Council Room and then the Oratory: a very refined 'chiseled' treasure chest which houses countless treasures.