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Piandarca di Cannara

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Piandarca di Cannara

The site of the famous "Predica ai birds" is located in flat agricultural land, along a historic path between Cannara and Bevagna. Piandarca is a key project for the valorization of all places of Franciscan spirituality.

“The green defines the perimeter, the walls to be precise, while the sky represents the ceiling: these are the architectural elements of the open-air cathedral of Piandarca in Cannara”.

Nature is the protagonist in this sacred place, surrounded by cultivated fields, olive groves, rows of poplars, ditches and canals. The panorama ranges from Assisi to the Martani Mountains, from the mountains of Spoleto to the hills of Perugia. According to tradition, it was in these fields that the Saint saw a multitude of birds and, approaching them, addressed them with the sermon reported in the Fioretti. This episode was taken up in painting by important artists such as Giotto (in the Upper Basilica of Assisi) and Benozzo Gozzoli (in Montefalco) and in music by Franz Liszt.