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Teatro degli Illuminati - Città di Castello

Teatro degli Illuminati - Città di Castello

Teatro degli Illuminati - Città di Castello

The Teatro degli Illuminati was designed by Antonio Gabrielli and was inaugurated on 25 August 1666. The first performance was an opera written by a local author, Francesco Ignazio Lazzari, who had founded the Accademia degli Illuminati. In 1783 it was decided to rebuild the theater and it was almost completed when a devastating earthquake hit the area causing serious damage. It was renovated in 1861 by Scipione Lapi. The facade was changed, the entrance hall enlarged and a portico was created. The theater was constantly in use until 1939, when Amadeo Corsi donated the building to the city. There is seating for around 400 people and it is still used for the theater season, the Festival of Nations and various social and cultural events.